
Saturday, April 30, 2011

How the neighbour's dogs destroy my yard!

Today I would like to tell you about pets.
I have told you about and shown you Baby,
aka Pooh-Pooh Bear,
my cat.

I do love animals,
and I feed a bunch of cats (mostly the neighbour's) every day.
But there's something starting to bother me, a lot.
These dogs are everyday day on my yard,
barking, pooping, eating the cat's food,
stealing whatever they can find and drag away
(I had to chase them after my crocs,
that they had already carried away to their (the neighbour's) yard).
I don't blame the dogs,
but the owners.
Shame on them!

I know that are things I can do,
but I really don't want to do anything
that will ultimately harm the dogs.
I will never understand why people have pets they do not care about!
Until later, I'll see you all then!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fabric organizers and drop stitch pinkie scarf

In my baggage going to Canada
were the birthday gifts I've made
for my daughter-in-law.
The scarf bellow
was knitted using three different types of yarn,
aiming a different soft texture,
because she commented she loved these type of scarfs
There you can see the other scarfs
I've made using the same drop stitch and different textures.
And because lately she has been investing
on the knitting and crochet worlds,
I made her a organizer little tote
 to carry along her work and skein
(of course by now I already know
she buys those huge skeins of yarn
which won't fit on the little carrier...),
but I'm sure later on she'll start using smaller skeins...
I really like this organizer that I've found here,
it's a really nice easy to follow tutorial.
This one
 was the first one I made
and I really like it a lot.
I'll probably make a couple more
to give away as birthday or Christmas gifts.
To go with the organizer for my daughter-in-law
I also made a coordinating roll-out organizer
for her knitting needles
and crochet hooks,
 just like the ones I've made before,
for myself and my sister-in-law.
And this will be it for today, and I hope you all have a good one! 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Oh Canada...

 I'm back in East Tennessee 
after spending (too short) five days in Canada
with my son and his family.
As those of you that have been following and reading my blog
may remember,
both of us have been through
some very difficult life situations
and it felt soooo good to see him again!
And my little darling boy,
my sweet grandson...gosh!, had I missed him!
And finally
I got to meet my daughter-in-law,
and she really is everything I expected!
A wonderful cook,
and a lovely person and wife and mom.
You might remember her from her blog,
now with a very nice new format. 
I also got to meet her mother, a sweet lady, I should say.
We deliberately planned this trip
to happen at the same time for both of us 
so we could meet and spend some time with the kids and grand baby
before they move to Europe
(which will happen a week from today).
As you can easily imagine,
it felt very good
but it also felt like time just flew by...
I had been in Canada before with J, my husband,
when K (grandson) was born,
almost 11 years ago.
Those are very sweet and precious memories,
and I am so thankful
to be able to have them.
Before I let you all go for now
I would like to wish you 
a wonderful Easter Sunday! 
Also, if you'd like to see it,
I'm sharing some pics 
from this trip of mine.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

An Upside Down House, some Hillbilies Feud and a Ship in the City?!

I went to Pigeon Forge,

Do these names ring a bell....?
What about the Great Smoky Mountains...?
That's right, 
I live very close to all these beautiful places. 
But I didn't go to Dollywood, for that matter,
or to any other attractions neither...
I was there with my brother and sister-in-laws,
for a little shopping  
and a nice lunch at Cracker Barrel.
And since we were there,
why not just take some pics and blog about it?
the brother and sister-in-laws said,
if you want some nice pics we'll show you some interesting stuff!".
And so they did.
We started by stopping next an upside down house!,
all cracked up,
like some unbelievable tornado or alien war act
had just lifted it and then dropped it upside down!

And as you approach it,
you can even ear the crackling sounds
as if everything is just about to collapse on top of you!
Well, it really happens to be
one of the numerous attractions at Pigeon Forge,
called the Wonder Works.
We didn't go in,
but if you're interested
click the link above to learn more about it.

Across the street from this upside down house,
there's a rather charismatic cabin
(or should I say pair of cabins?),
almost cartoon looking, and still under construction.
Intrigued, I started taking some pictures.

The brother and sister in-laws said:
"That's the Hatfield and McCoy cabins".
"Uh..?, Who...?"
(I had never heard about the Hatfield and McCoy's story...)
"Never heard about the feud?", they ask.
"Nuh, uh-uh, never ever!".
And so I went online and checked the Wikipedia:
the Hatfield and the McCoys were two hillbilly families
from the latest nineteen century,
living near the West Virginia-Kentucky border...,
and it all begun with a murderer...
You can read here the rest of the story
and the legend they've become.
You're always learning new stuff, right?

And after enjoying these astonishing pieces of architecture,
I looked the opposite direction,
"WHAT?, How can this be possible?!"

 This huge humongous ship sitting right there...
"Oh, oh, OK"...
it's just the Titanic exhibit attraction!

Pretty cool, I think.
It even seats on a pool of water,

creating the illusion of cruising along the ocean!
And no, we didn't go inside neither,
but maybe some other time we will.
It was a pretty good day, and I did enjoyed it a lot.
I hope that sharing it with you might have given you
the desire to come visit the beautiful lands and country sights of
East Tennessee.
I'll see you all later!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grandma and Grand-baby Bunny-Rabbit

These Grandma and Grand-baby Bunny-Rabbit
 are some of the gifts in the Birthday package

I made for a little darling baby girl...
The pattern for these Bunny Rabbits is not mine,
I have it for years but I don't know where I got it from.
Some time ago I had shown you another felt bunny 
I had made for my sister-in-law;
You can see it in here.
Anyway, I can already tell you that my grand-baby girl 
just loved them bunnies... she sure is a sweet darling and
I love her very much!
8 years ago me and J delightfully had welcome her
as our newest precious grandchild!
A year and a month after that
J sustained the brain injury that pulled him apart
into another different world for more than six years.
She doesn't remember much of her Papaw prior to the "accident"
but she was the loveliest one to him during the injury years!

Also she had posted an order with me for her
She ordered another
Oh La La Lolita Doll.
She really loves these dolls!
Here it is, her most recent new Lolita Baby Doll!
By the way,
just a reminder
to let you know you can find
my Oh La La Lolita Dolls
for sale here at

I can tell you that this Pink Lolita Doll 
is going to be very much loved and cared for,
just judging from the hugs and kisses she got
when my little grand-baby found her amongst her other gifts!
And that... that made my day!
I wish you all a very good friday and I'll see you all later!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Art Ensemble (Crayons Roll-Out sequel)

A few weeks back I've told you
about the crayons roll-out case I had made as a gift for someone's birthday coming very soon.
I've also told you then 
it would become part of an art ensemble.
Well... the art ensemble it's done and finished!
Here's the second roll-out case,

 quite similar to the first one,
only this time shorter and longer.
Coloring markers, different shapes and sizes,
and a few other what-nots
(markers, note pad, pencils, pens, fuzzy-wuzzy stuff...) 
do a good job filling it up.

And for last but not least,
a padded notebook holder,
for all those art ideas
that just come out at the spur of the moment,
either one is on the back of the van, ridding for dance practice,
or at grandma's and bored to death!

One just have to open it up
and quickly let that art muse inspire the movements
of one's little hand and one's little brain!
You can find the tutorial I've used for this fine notebook holder here.
Cool, don't you think...?
And finally
here's the self portrait of the little girl
who's the BD gift recipient!

An Art Ensemble for a little darling!

I'll see you all soon!