
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Things have been a little busy around here

Things have been a little busy around here and aren't still quite alright.

We are back home since last Thursday,

after a week in the hospital with J.

We are finally home.

Unfortunately, since in a while he has to be hospitalized.

He seems to be doing a little bit better now

but it is always very rough on him to stay at the hospital.

Of course I'm always with him, I stay day and night

(thank goodness for those chairs that lay down and make a bed!)

but I also feel the effects of being away from home.

This is Lemur.I got it for J while in the hospital. It cheered us both up!

It has always been only the two of us alone but I'm okay with that.


I usually meet neat people (patient families) while I'm in there.
We try to support each other
and this time I met a very curious character
which caught my attention since I first saw him.
Remember Georges Moustaki?,
now think about the song Le Métèque
(juif errant, prêtre grecque, avec mes cheveux aux quatre vents...),
and that's him!
About late 50's early 60's, very tall and thin,
long long gray beard and gray hair tied in a long pony tail.
I am describing him just so you understand why I tought of Moustaki
and the surprise I felt
when he told me about his wife
(in a serious condition, she had undergone brain surgery).
He said he had told her if you see the light just go toward it, you go!
So I asked him
why did you tell her such a thing?
(I would have told her to fight and not to go) and he said:
Because we don't belong in here, we belong in heaven and this in here is hell!

Definitely not what my beloved Moustaki would have said!

But again... what do I know... I don't know why I always have grand expectations from people I really don't know.
But don't get me wrong... he was a very nice person
and I wish his wife a total recovery.

Also met a mother and a sister
whose son and brother
had brain injury (like my husband) since earlier this year.
We all knew the same institutions, the same medical staff and had the same grand questions...
It was really nice to talk to them
and I could tell they felt the same.
Mostly, we all feel outraged with the lack of structures and specific support for brain injuries (severe brain injury in both our loved ones).
In their case he has been in a institution since the accident happened
and been having some serious health problems
(lack of hygiene, pressure ulcers and so on...).
When we meet someone that has been going trough the same you have...
it really feels good just to share.
I wish them all the best!

And that would be it for hospital talk.

The cats were very happy to have us back!...

The poor things!... no dry food for all this time, but I'm pretty sure they ate...

yeah, the poor birds come for dinner in the garden... and the cats join them for sure!... :0(

Of course the one I missed the most was Baby.

He's bigger now and likes to fight me!... :0)

Before all this events I had been working on a new quilt for the wheel chair.

I got the idea for this quilt from Geta´s Quilting Studio @

(thanks for the easy tutorial!)
and then I altered it a little bit.

Like I said it's a small quilt for the wheel chair and

I've applique a flower in each square.

I've also finishd two raggedy bags,

but this time I made the handles differently.

I used some eyelets and cotton cord.

I like the way they look.
They are smaller than my usual ones
(I've used 4 x 4 squares) and probably they will make some Xmas gifts!

Adding to the Xmas gifts and while at the hospital

I made a few more little pouchs,
the tunisian crochet ones.

One of the staff members told me: They look so good just like store bought!
And that was quite a compliment! :0)

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