
Friday, September 18, 2009

Gardening and sewing and cats

I just realized it has been more then a week since my last post.

It has been busy around here that's for sure.

Have been working
on the yard and on the gardens

and the cats keep me company.

As you probably already guessed

there's a bunch of cats around here.

It's almost becoming a problem but

I really don't have the heart to stop feeding them.

Not when they came to me and rub against my legs

and look at me with them big eyes...

Anyway, as I was saying,
the mower has been broken
and my yard almost looked like a jungle!...

Of course I'm exaggerating,

but it sure has been messing with my nerves...

Well, not anymore!
Mower if fixed, yard is mow,

and my pocket book is so much skinnier...

Oh well, things do go bad and I do what I can,

but fixing that mower was definitely beyond my capability.

Meanwhile I also had the tiller fixed and

have already tilled a stripe for my fall bulbs!
Anyways ...

I did some sewing and this time it was another wall hanging

(I got the idea from a blog but can't find the URL,

and for that I really do apologize).

I had printed the project (as I always do when I like something,

and then I filed it on a folder that I named craft's ideas),

and made mine just by looking at it, I had no pattern.

Of course, Cats being the theme was the main reason it caught my eye and made me print it.

This one is just about felt applique
on a background that I pieced together
(sky, meadow and wall).

Mostly I got attracted by the unusual cat's shape and outline.

To hang it I used my usual hearts
(it is my favourite way to hang these wall hangings as you can see and tell).
And that's it!
Tough it doesn't look like much
I assure you these have been long days
and still
I'm so glad they are
because it means all is well and running!


  1. Olá,Lena!
    Busy busy days, de um lado e do outro do oceano!
    Ainda bem que já arranjaste a maquinaria!
    O teu novo gato no painel está mesmo original, gostei!
    E quem está quase a fazer anos?? :)

  2. :0)
    Agora estou a acabar um quilt para a cadeira de rodas. Quando acabar ponho-o aqui.
    Pois calculo que o começo do novo ano seja muito ocupado...
