
Sunday, June 12, 2011

A trip to Gatlinburg

Past Saturday, June 4th,
I was invited by my sister-in-law to go to Gatlinburg,
at the verge of the Smokies.
No passado Sabado, 4 de Junho,
a minha cunhada convidou-me para ir com ela a Gatlinburg,
no sope das Smokies.
Gatlinburg is a very famous touristic city resort
(probably the most famous in East Tennessee)
and borders the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
(sign above) is a ski resort and amusement park.
Gatlinburg e uma cidadezinha turistica muito famosa no Tennessee oriental
e e uma das portas de entrada para o parque nacional das Great Smoky Mountains.
(placa informativa na foto acima)
e uma estancia de ski e parque de diversoes.
 Of course I accepted and there you went,
direct to the Norton Show.
Claro que aceitei e la fomos nos,
direitas ao Norton Show.
It was a show about jewelry, purses, bags and apparel,
open to the trade only.
E um evento de joalharia, malas e moda,
aberto apenas a comerciantes.
I went as a guest
(a paying guest should I say, $20.00 had to be rendered to gain entrance).
Eu fui como convidada
(mas tive de pagar $20.00 dolares para entrar).
I have to say tough, it was well worthy.
Mas devo dizer que valeu bem a pena.
I enjoyed it, a lot!
Gostei imenso!
And I also spent a bit of money,
but again, it was well worthy!
Gastei algum dinheiro
mas (de novo) valeu a pena!
For lunch we went to a sports grill bar nearby,
and had fish and chips
and a nice cold draft beer!
Para almocar fomos a um sports bar de grelhados,
e comemos peixe com batatas fritas
e uma bela imperial!
It was a really pleasant day
and I allowed my mind to drift far far away,
even if just for a few moments!
Foi um dia muito agradavel
e por alguns momentos
deixei os meus pensamentos levarem-me para bem longe.
I'll see you all later!
Ate breve!

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