
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yo-Yo dolls

Spring is definitely here,
and it does feel good.
The plum trees blossoms look astonishing, don't they?

In a effort to dig myself out from the hole I buried myself in,
I will try to post at least every couple of days... and I hope that might keep my days more energized.

I do have been doing something, the essential at least,
but in my own defense
I have to say that I've been fighting some kind of bug
or maybe even a respiratory infection for almost two weeks now.

Today it's all about yo-yo's.
In the past
I've made some clown dolls with fleece yo-yo's,
like this one here.

Lately I got inspired by Artemelza blog,
a very nice Brazilian blog about handmade crafts
(the blog is written both in Brazilian Portuguese and English,
at least the instructions are).
She has a whole lot of possibilities for creations with fabric yo-yo's
(fuxicos, in Brazilian Portuguese)
and it's well worth to check it out.
I fell in love with one of the dolls featured
and made a few...
 I need to get new fabric markers
and get better drawings for the faces,
but still I think they came out really cute, don't you?
Still inspired by the same blog,
I also made the cutie bellow...

I hope you too will feel inspired and want to try some yo-yo making,
it is indeed relaxing...
I'll see you all later!


  1. I too love yo yos and I love what you've done with them.

  2. Szia!
    Szeretnélek megajándékozni, ezért kérlek nézz be hozzám érte.
    Üdv Moncsi
