
Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Christmas Eve already!

It's Christmas Eve already.
And tough my mind keeps taking me back in time
and relieve past Christmases over and over,
I still feel the present season spirit.
Yesterday I've finally finished the last Christmas presents.

Some fuzzy crochet beanies/hats which I think came out alright,
different sizes and colors,
and some texture to it too.
Also yesterday
I baked some more cookies
and prepared the artichoke and spinach dip for Christmas day
(just to be sure I'll have the time to do whatever I need to),
since the girls are supposed to come by the 25th.

Last Sunday evening I went to see my niece's Christmas play 
and once again it took me right down memory lane,
specially those years as head teacher at the Community Kindergarten Center.
Back to my niece's play,
it was really pleasant but what I've enjoyed the most
was her contentment and joy to see me there.
She played one of the chickens and
I made the chickens costumes for the play.
That barn had a bunch of animals, don't you think?

It is a very small church yet very nice and somewhat naif,
and that's the beauty of it, I think.
Plus, my niece is a very nice young girl,
and through the years and not so easy times,
she has been there with me and J,
telling me about her girlie stuff, asking me for help
with school projects and so on, 
thus allowing me a so needed distraction
from my daily all the same routines and worries,
helping me to focus on something different for a little while.
And above all
giving me the sense I was needed and loved.
Merry Christmas to you, sweetie!,
and for you all also,
have a very Merry Little Christmas!

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