
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Trick or Treat!... getting ready.

It's already the second of October.
I still feel like time is kinda distorted,
mainly I think because my daily routines changed so radically.
Because it is Halloween month and yesterday was the first,
it was time to put up a little taste of the season.
And so I did.
The girls came by for a couple hours
 and helped out with the decorations
(two of my step grand daughters, 7 and 3).
These are some of the stuff we put up.
Also today is the third day of my giveaway.
I want to say thank you
to all the wonderful people that have been leaving a comment.
I've been following everybody's blog that left me a comment
and will continue to do so.
But remember,
if you're reading my blog for the first time
and didn't know about the giveaway and wishes to enter,
you'll have to go here to leave a comment and being able to participate.
It will be on till October 15 and the 3 winners will receive
one of these handmade pouches.
 I also want to thanks blog giveaways
for featuring my giveaway announcement.

What else...?,
I've been working on several projects but I still don't have anything ready
to show you today
(the girls take a bunch of attention when they are here
and we have to be busy all the time).
Oh!... when we were out yesterday,
there was this crying... another kitten a cat mom left behind
(she comes to eat everyday and
she keeps carrying the kittens back and forth, 3 that I had seen).
And there it was this little fella,
crying its guts out... so, we got it inside,
gave it some milk, but the poor guy
has lots of trouble to drink it, he just wants to nurse.
Later in the evening the mom come back for food,
I put it outside but she didn't cared a bit about him!
It spent the night with me,
and I've been giving it milk and soaked cat feed,
and learned it how to use the litter box.
Thank goodness that part it's done!
It's amazing their instinct for that!
K, the 7 year old, loved it and she wants to be
the little guy's mom (she said I'll come every day to pet it!)
and named it: Max for a boy and Jill for a girl.
The little one also loved it
but her 3 years make it kinda rough for the little fella.
Oh well, we shall see what's going to happen.
I will try with the cat mom today again when she comes back to eat.
And that will be it for today.
Have a good one everybody!

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