
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Quilted Cd Xmas Ornaments Tutorial

For these last couple of days 
I've been making some quilted Xmas ball ornaments,
as I had told you about on my last post.
I had learned this technique a while back on YouTube
and had already made a wall hanging and the wind rose,
along with a couple of Xmas ball ornaments.
After finishing some of the quilted ball ornaments,
I've decided to try the same type of effect with a Cd.
It came out pretty alright, I think,
so I decided to make a couple more.
And because Xmas is a-coming quite quickly,
I thought about making and sharing a tutorial with you all.
First of all
let me tell you that the title quilted Cd Xmas ornaments
is not quite correct;
in fact, this technique is a faux quilting,
but the result looks like it's indeed quilted.

You'll going to need
four different prints/colors of fabric:
8 2" squares of Xmas print/color  (first row);
16 2" squares of different Xmas print/color  (second row);
16 2" squares of another different Xmas print/color  (third row)
16 2" squares of yet another different print/color (fourth row).

You're also going to need an old Cd, of curse,
and glue (I used Tacky Glue, works great!),
metallic Xmassy trim,

Xmassy string,
and pins to secure the glued trim while it dries.

Get one 2" square from the first row of print/color
right side down,
and fold in half,
pressing with your finger nail,
like this:
Then in half again,
like this:
Open it up, and then fold one of the sides to the median crease,
to create a triangle,
like this:
And then do the same for the other side,
like this:
You'll have one bigger triangle formed by two small triangles.
Now it's time to apply some glue.
Open up the folded triangle and apply a little bit of glue;
like this:
Fold it back and press with your fingers.
You are now ready to start the quilting on your Cd.
Turn the already glued triangle face down
and apply a bit of glue on the back,
like this:
Glued it with the point facing the center of the Cd,
like this:
Repeat the procedure for the remaining 3 squares of the first print/color,
like this:
Now the first row is completed.
You are now going to fold the eight 2" squares
for the second row the exact same way,
and repeat the same procedures,
like this:
Try to align the central fold of the triangles in every row.
You can already see the first star showing.
Repeat the same thing for the third
and for the fourth rows.
And now you see the four stars.

You have one side of the Cd almost finished.
Turn it around,
and repeat everything the same way for the other side.
Your quilted Cd Xmas ornament is almost done,
but not completely.
Now is time to hide the messy parts
and make it look really pretty!
Start by trimming any bit of fabric
that might be hanging out the Cd borders.
Then apply some glue all around the edge.
Start by gluing the string and then the trim,
covered by the trim,
like this:
Secure with pins till is totally dried and secure.
Once it's dried, do the other side.
Let it dry.
Aren't you happy with what you've just created...?

Go ahead and just make a bunch of them!
I did!


  1. So pretty!! Tis is going on my list of things to make (when I have time :)!!)

  2. I have seen these types of bolls but i was not sure about its have done a great tutorial.its really wonderful dear...thanks for sharing...


  4. Nossa!!! Eu amei esta ideia...vou aproveitar meus CD's estragados e transformá-los em lindas peças de Natal. Eu agradeço muito por compartilhar esta linda criação e a natureza também agradece!!!

  5. These look great. Thanks for the tute.

  6. This is a great idea - I've been trying to come up with a good use for these CDs for years! I'm including these in my Friday Favorites!

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