
Friday, September 24, 2010

My Quilted Cd Xmas Ornaments Tutorial @ Totally Tutorials

Today Dotty from
posted my Quilted Cd Xmas Ornaments tutorial.
Thanks for your nice words Dotty!
Some of my other tutorials have also been posted by her
and every time it brings lots of real nice people to visit my blog.
Thank you to you all who have been visiting and leaving me a comment.
Who doesn't just love to read the nice words appreciating your work?
My readers and friends
know that I've been trough some very difficult personal times lately
and being able to share here some of my helenismos with you all
really does make me feel like I'm still part of this world.

I've been busy working on that hexagon quilted project
I told you about last time
(it does take time!),
and here's another peek how it is going.
I'm thinking I might be able to finish it by tomorrow.
I' m really happy with it so far. 
I'll let you know.

Today was another very hot day
(we were on the 90's again).
But according to the forecast
it's supposed to start cooling down by tomorrow.
I really hope so.
I still have a lot to do on my gardens
and I can't be outside with all this heat.

My cat Alvin doesn't like the heat neither.
Every time I open the door he sneaks in
and doesn't want to leave.
I'm thinking maybe let him stay inside this winter
(if I ever can make him quit marking his territory inside the house!).

Ah! Almost forgot...
I'm thinking about having a giveaway in a few days.
 I had been thinking about it for my blog first anniversary,
back in August.
that wasn't possible for the sad reasons you know.
But I'm thinking now would be a good time,
it gives me a goal and it will keep me busy.
It will be open to everyone, everywhere,
of course,
and all you'll have to do is to leave a comment.
But soon I'll give you all the details
and show you what I have in mind.
I think you all going to like it!
And that's it for today.
I'll see you soon.

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