
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fish Casserole (receita para Bacalhau a Bras)

Last week
was kinda busy around here
and tough I intended to post before today I really didn't had the time.
The good news is that my follow up appointment
with the cardiologist went well and soon I'll be able to stop the medication that bruises me so much.
The so-and-so news is that I've got
to have a echocardiogram this coming Wednesday
(because I still feel like a pressure in the chest where one of the stents was placed, and the doctor says I shouldn't feel it anymore).
Oh well, we shall see...
The very bad news... little wee tiny white kitten, Miss Beca,
was killed yesterday.
I didn't had enough courage on me
to go and see her,
but the girls told me she was half buried in their garden.
Something killed her
and tried to bury her on the garden.
I had notice the night before last
quite a disturbance under my carport:
flower pots down, lots of boxes and stuff laying on the ground...
When we came back from the hospital
there were only 3 kittens left,
and I had been taking care of them...
 I can't bring them inside,
not only because of J
but also because I never know
when I have to leave and go to the hospital.
It's just not possible for me to have any pets in the house.
I am very very sad and feeling kinda guilty...
plus Miss Beca was the one who would run to me every time
I would go outside...
she was really precious.
 I don't know what got her,
because I didn't see it or heard it,
but in my heart I really think it was that old bulldog that was here before!
I know it's not the animal's fault
(he's doing what it's nature tells him to)
but I'm really aggravated that he is allowed out into other people's homes!

In a lighter tone now...
This last week I've cooked a little bit ,
and I made a fish casserole
(that's what they call it in here),
but it's actually a very popular recipe in Portugal for salted cod fish
(called Bacalhau a Bras).
I still had some Whiting Fish fillets... so I went with it.
Here's the recipe so if any of you would like to try it...
... I assure you, you won't be sorry!
Ingredients, for 4 servings:
5/6 fish fillets (like Whiting or Cod)
2 big onions
1 package shoe lace potato chips
2 Tablespoons olive oil
6 eggs, beaten
salt & pepper to taste
lemon juice
green or black olives
How to do it:
First cook the fish in boiling water for about 15 minutes.
Drain the water and let it cool for a minute; remove skin (if needed).
Set aside.
Slice 2 onions the thinnest that you can.
On a fry pan (I used the wok)
add 2 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to the onion rings.
Let it cook till the onions are trans lucid, not brown.
Add the fish and gently stir it for about 5 minutes,
incorporating well the fish with the onions.. 
Add the shoe lace potato chips,

and then slowly incorporate the 6 beaten eggs.
Let it cook, and keep stirring
so the eggs don't stick to the fry pan.
Remove from heat.
Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste.
Top with some parsley and olives.
A good lettuce and tomato salad goes really well with this dish
(seasoned the old Portuguese way only with olive oil and vinegar),
but I didn't had any but a bell pepper;
 so, I just roasted it in the broiler, peeled it,
and seasoned it with olive oil and vinegar.
Et voila!
Roasted peppers
 (pimentos assados)
the Portuguese way!
I hope you'll want to give it a try!
It is delicious!


  1. I was very sad to read about the death of the kitten. Have you gone to the local animal shelter? Maybe they could help .

  2. I am terribly sad too... the animal shelter would mean the other kittens death sentence too, they are crowded. I will see if they're willing to stay inside only at night time in my laundry room.

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