
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kittens and Nieces and Orange Zingers

These last couple of weeks have been quite busy and somewhat...
not so good.
Starting with the kittens,
there were 2 more litters besides the one I told and show you.
The bad news are... something got the 2 Siamese kitties and the mother... they're gone.
The other new litter of 2 I had found under my carport
(from a Siamese mother)
was also gone the same night.
The good news is that the 3rd litter's mother
took in the 3 surviving kitties as her own.
But every morning I've been fighting away
some dogs that come into my deck
and try to get the kittens and mom...
There is a big old bulldog that just sits and barks and looks at me
as he's wanting to get me...
I'm pretty sure that's what got the mother and kittens...
I feel terrible
and can't understand
these people who let their dogs out in the neighborhood without a care.
I might just have to do what I have to do
to protect myself and the kittens in my own property...
Also, my niece was here for a couple days and nights...
She loves to play with the kittens...
She called this one Rascal and begged her mom to let her keep it.
And she did.
Rascal has a new home now.
It was nice to spend time with her, she's a very cute little girl
and likes to do things with me...
And I enjoy the company... for sure.
My routines get a little messed up tough,
since my time is usually all planned out.
She did start a project (a floppy disk treasure box)
but she didn't finish.
Instead, we finished a pillow she asked me to sew
made of a pretty horse print
(she loooooves horses...),
but I forgot to take a picture.
Oh well...
As for me... I've been on a quilting mood...
and I did finish some projects I'll tell you about later on.
Today I'm going to tell you about selvages
and zingers and quilting museums...
for some time now that I've been reading
and following Karen Griska's blog @
It's all about selvages.
Let me tell you... (oh horror!...) before reading her blog...
I was trowing away all my selvages!
And I never gave it second thoughts until... I found her blog!
I was totally amazed how people's creativity works!
The most beautiful quilts and bags and stools and aprons and dresses and pouches and whatever you can think of... people make it out of fabric selvages!
Go check her blog out and see if I'm not right!
I've tried and made a couple quilts with the strip technique
(if you remember I told you about it in here and here)
and I was quite intrigued about the red zinger I read about on Karen's blog.
I had been collecting selvages for a few months now...
I didn't had red fabric, but I did had orange... not much, but enough to try it...
and so I went for it!
And... here's my orange zinger!
Not perfect, but still...I'm proud of it!
For the outside borders I've used the strip quilt technique.
And because it's not very big,
I decided it would go just fine as a table topper on my living room...
What do you think...?


  1. I'm so sad to read about the cats, it's always heartbreaking when something like that happens. The only thing you could do is to bring the reamining mother cat and kittens inside, or at least where they can be safe from outside dangers. And, good for your neice wanting to adopt a kitten! They are so adorable, and grow up to be beautiful cats. I have 2 cats, and they are very loyal and loving "fur" friends.
    Your quilts are lovely, well done! I so envy you that you'r able to make them, I can't because the batting is unavailble here where I live in Mexico. Oh, well, maybe a thin quilt can be made? ;)

  2. What a nice job you did on your orange zinger! And it looks great with your table display of collectibles.
    Ana Luisa, you don't necessarily need batting in your selvage quilt. Many crazy quilts don't have batting. Try a small selvage quilt and see how you like it.

  3. Love your orange zinger! I live in Tn too so I can relate to the orange. I had a quilt on Karen's blog too.
    Is there a leash law in town? Maybe you could call the police. I have 5 cats and I would be devastated if there was a bulldog at my door!

  4. I love the orange!! really pops!Thanks for sharing,Amy
