
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Crocus, cats, spring cleaning, cute small soft critters and... cantaloupe jam!

Slowly but surely it's starting to look a lot like Spring time.
My crocus are out and they look beautiful!

The cats are enjoying the sunshine too,
and follow me everywhere when I am out in the yard.
The gardens really need hard work to be done, lots of weeds to be pulled and lots of mulching to do... not enough time for everything I reckon...
The creek does look good tough...
I think I'm done with Winter time...
I can't wait to get outside
and get my hands on the dirt... :0)

Last week I told you about my spring cleaning and
reorganizing my sewing/craft/office room.
I did finish it.
It took me a little while to accomplish everything
(this past week J had 2 medical appointments and it's always a big deal,
as he needs to be transported by ambulance).
But it's done and I'm quite happy with the results.
Not only it looks better as it's so much more functional.
I really do like it!
Also I finished some cute small projects I had found on the net,
like the chick

and hen...

They live now on my dining room, next to my Matryoshkas...
I love that neighborhood!
I've finished another soft softie... I like it a lot...
and it wasn't on purpose... but...
it does look a lot like Shred, doesn't he?

And to finish today's post,
I'll tell you about my latest experimentation in the kitchen...
I had bought a cantaloupe
(which I absolutely love!),
but it wasn't quite riped yet... :0(
and I just hate to waste... so...
I tried and made cantaloupe jam!
First I scooped all the cantaloupe's insides,
weight it and put in a big sauce pan,
adding the same weight in sugar.
Added a cinnamon stick and let it boil for about 20/30 minutes...
The cantaloupe chunks didn't look so good as I was wanting to make jam
so I got my stick blender out and blended the all thing.
 Let it simmer for about more 15/20 minutes
and pour it into prepared can jars... 
(don't forget to take the cinnamon stick out).
Put the canned jam jars inside the boiler again
and let it boil for about 5 minutes.
Remove it, let it cool, tag it, et voila!

Lena's homemade cantaloupe jam!
Open the jar,
get a little cracker and .........hmmmmmmmmm........ enjoy!



  1. I'll ask your son if he likes cantaloupe jam, but this will work with other fruits too, right? I've been meaning to do my own jam for a while, but haven't gotten around to it yet and need to go buy some canning jars :)

  2. I had never tried cantaloupe before... and it's quite good. I've done strawberry, tomato, orange, blackberry, apple... and all came out good, so I would think so, any kind of fruit should work. :0)
