
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Angels... and baskets!

Talking about crafts, and sewing, and quilting,

and about my determination

to make and/or learn a new or pretty thing every single day,

I've decided a while ago that I needed some angels.

That's right!

While growing up (both in Africa and Europe in the between)

my mother always had a guardian angel picture hung on the kid's room

and I really liked my guardian angel.

And so much later in life now

I've decided that we both needed that guardian angel back

(and I mean my husband and I)

and so I started making and collecting angels.

These are just some of the wall hangings with angels I made.

I'll come back to this subject probably later on, with some more pics and some other works.

Another of my favorite things are baskets.

A couple days ago I was just surfing some crafts blogs and found some really neat tutorial and how-to tips to machine sew fabric baskets or bowls from

I had made some baskets before but I stitched everything by hand.
These are so much easier and fun to make!

Thank you Linda Permann for sharing!

So ... like always ... I just had to make some!

Made a couple for my sewing needs (notions, treads and scraps),

another one to store my rings

and a couple more for whatever is just lying around and needs a place to be stored away!

I've been fighting the blog for a while now, trying to place my pics where I want them but somehow it always places them on the top of the page!

I know, such a newbie around these things...

Oh well... gotta ask for help,

probably my son or daughter-in-law

(by the away, did I mentioned Rochelle is my daughter-in-law? (yeah, the same Rochelle from; check her blog out, she has some fabulous recipes!).

Before I go,

just a few special words to my sister and brothers

(my devoted followers)

Beijinhos para vocês!

and a BIG hug to my friend Irene

(mando notícias em breve, beijinho grande para ti).

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