
Who's Helenismos ?

When I started this blog in 2009
I've decided to call it Helenismos(to share).
Blogging and crafting and making stuff
were some of the ways I found
to overcome my frustrations, my loneliness, my cigarette cravings
(I'm a quitter since April 2009)...
It helped to give me the will to keep me on going.
When it all came about what name to choose
I remembered
my high school Deutsch teacher used to call me Helena of Troia...
(the things our mind remembers!).
And that was it: Helen(a)ismos,
in reference to Greek mythology
which so much influenced my teenager years...
Of curse, my name is Helena.

I am an European from Portugal  
but born in Africa
(ex Portuguese African colony of S.Tome e Principe),
and living in Tennessee with my husband J since 2000.
J suffered a very severe TBI back in 2004
and I took care of him at home since then.
J passed away in August 2010,
and I'm still trying to cope and deal
with all the emotions and events
that led to his injury and subsequent death.
I have a wonderful son,
a sweet and darling grandson
and a most marvellous daughter-in-law.
They all lived in Canada for many years
and have now relocated in Europe (Portugal) 
where we all hope sooner or later to be reunited again.
My daughter-in-law also blogs
(as a matter of fact she was the one
who inspired and often helped me out 
with my lack of computer stuff knowledge!).
Mostly she blogs about food
(she is a wonderful cook!, tough she would say no she ain't...)
and you can find her here.
Back in the old country
are my four brothers and my one sister,
along with all my nieces and nephews.
To my sister specially my big THANK YOU
for being there with me on the worse moments.
And thank you also to you all
my friends, my readers and my followers,
you are the ones
who give a sense to
a wannabe blogger!