
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It has been an year since I've started blogging in this space,
as an attempt to overcome some difficulties in my personal life.
As my friends and family and some of my online readers know,
my husband J had suffered a TBI back in 2004.
Since then we both fought very hard
just to give him the time he needed
to somehow defy the odds and maybe one day
the light of his soul would shine again in his eyes.
J was an extraordinary person and I never ever gave up on him...
...till the last 17 of August...
when I finally couldn't bare any more pain,
couldn't allow no more hurting, no more mistakes...
which finally cost us his precious life.
I've considered for a long time
and decided I would keep this blog,
not only because for me is a safe space of communication
but also it revealed itself
as a therapy when I needed to quit smoking,
and provided goals for my life,
and it worked as a outlet 
for the things I would make and create.
To all my family and friends
who gave me their precious hand and shoulder to cry...
my forever THANK YOU.
To all the others who will eventually read these so sad words...
from the bottom of my heart, a thought:
enjoy life
every single minute as it would be the last...
I did,
and for that I have no regrets.

To J, my husband, my friend, my love...
You'll live in me for always.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Oh Dude...who are you...??

After my sister's phone call earlier today
I've finally realized I had to dig myself out from the hole
I had buried myself in...
And to be totally honest with you
I really don't exactly know how I got myself in there in the first place!
Maybe it was just a series of unfortunate events...
Oh well!..., I'm back and willing to be back.
So... these past two weeks
were kinda full and kinda stressful also,
but fortunately they're gone by now.

Let me update you all with the kittens...
I finally discovered what happened... and it's quite amazing!
All the kittens but the little Calico
were gone missing like I've told you about. 
Calico was the last remaining survivor...
...till last Wednesday, when he went missing
only 30 minutes after I had been playing with him.
I looked everywhere in the backyard where he always was... nothing!...
and then it just popped in my mind to go to the front yard and look for him.
Tell me about a sixth sense!
It's still hard for me to believe my eyes!
What I saw:
my niece's male cat that was always around chasing the female cats... dragging my little Calico by the neck trough my driveway!!!........
I almost had to get physical for him to drop and let go off the kitten!
The poor little scared thing!
At first he was acting kinda silly...not really moving around...and then he just started running back and was pitiful!
Luckily he wasn't hurt,
but I had to call my sister-in-law and tell her about what happened.
She had observed the cat's same behavior previously, but she though he wanted to mate with the kittens!
Now we know who the killer was!
I had read about male cats killing the newborns to be able to mate again with the mother,
but never nothing like this!
This was really a vicious thing!
She did give him away to some people in a farm, she told me.
And since then everything is good and quite...
as you can see little Calico is doing well
and loves to play with Alvin,
my male cat who's a mellow yellow and a good friend to Calico!

I did some cleaning on my back deck,
the outside furniture was really looking... not so good...
So... I finally made myself go out and wash it.
With the temperatures feeling like 100's ... it actually felt kinda good.
And it looks good too!

My niece was over for a couple of days and spent one night.
We made the sweet fried rings
my sister had reminded me about,
and I've told you about in here,
and they tasted very good.
Here's some pics of our partnership in the kitchen
(while I was doing all the frying of course!).


What else?....,
I did sew a little bit
and made another raggedy bag,

a reversible one this time,
and I think it came out pretty good.


Ah!.... I had almost forgotten... the Dude at the top...
it's a surprise!.... Shhh!....
I'll have to tell you all about it on my next post!
Until then,
and thanks for visiting!